

the hottest day!

Good morning!

Good aftenoon,good evening!

Im tigubagu!!


Today,I try to write this BLOG in English to practice using it.

But Im such a begginer of English,so I may make a lot of mistakes of spells or grammars...

Im afraid that .

Im very happy for readers to go eazy on me,please.

 the hottest day!!

Today(July,15th Thursday),it was the hottest day in this year for me!!

I felt like in a steam bath while walking on the road near my office in the after noon.


I always think that some persons working at construction side in the hot weather are very amazing!!

I have to appreciate them from mind.

I cant definetely do it.


In like today,I basicaly lye down after coming back home.

If I dont,I'll die.

not to be sick

So,I dont want to be sick in the hot day.

I have to take measures,especially its heat stroke.

For example, one is drinking alotof water!(I know its only natural💦)

In the first place,I drink alotof water every day.Amount of a day is about than 2L.

But in summer,I want more water than normal days.


Another one is taking sleep for a long time!(Its only natural,too!!)

I make sure that i turn on the airconditioner,and I set it to 26 or 27 degrees when I go to the bed.

Recently, night is as hot as noon.

So I make sure that I turn on the airconditioner without patience.

It has a possibility to get heatstroke in night ,too.


To readers,please be careful of heatstorke and sick of the hot day!


Today's blog is finished.

Nice to meet you,today!Have a great day!!^^


It was difficult for me to write in English💦

I'll continue to practice!!